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Saving Lives in Abu Dhabi

When troops engage in combat, the need for rapid access to advanced trauma care is critical. The chances of surviving potentially fatal injuries rise dramatically when a highly capable hospital is located within an hour of the battlefield.…

Soft Power In Pakistan

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Muhammad Samrez Salik, Pakistan Army sing military force against people within your own borders can be the most dreaded and detested scenario for any army of the world. In Pakistan, misguided and opportunist segments of…

Protecting Civilians From Cyber Crime

Criminals have always found ways to exploit new technologies, and the internet is no exception. By now, most computer users are familiar with such novel terms as phishing, spoofing and spamming. And while the terminology may be new, the…

Fields of Death

MOAMMAR AL-ERYANI, YEMINI MINISTER OF INFORMATION, CULTURE AND TOURISM It is no exaggeration to say that the planting of land mines by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen since the coup in 2014 is the largest since World War II…

Investment in Security

Afghan National Security Forces require training and financial support from multinational partners AHMAD MURID PARTAW, FORMER AFGHAN SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE TO U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND Building Afghan forces that can provide for their own…

Eager Lion Celebrates 10 Years

Jordan has Successfully Hosted Some of the Middle East’s Largest Military Exercises for a Decade BRIG. GEN. TAWFIQ AL-MARZOUQ, DIRECTOR OF MILITARY TRAINING, JORDAN ARMED FORCES/ARAB ARMY The Jordan Armed Forces/Arab Army enjoys…

The Challenges of Joint Commands

Iraqi security forces strive to keep pace with the shifting strategies of Daesh Unipath Staff Iraqi Staff Lt. Gen. Abdulamir al-Shammari was appointed deputy commander of the Joint Operations Command (JOC) in 2020. In that position, he…

Accomplishing Civilian Missions

Lebanese military units have stepped forward to stop the spread of the coronavirus and limit civil unrest LEBANESE ARMED FORCES DIRECTORATE OF ORIENTATION The Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) relies on the slogan of “honor, sacrifice,…

A Decade of Progress

For 10 years Unipath has Provided a Platform for Military and Security Professionals to Share Information Unipath Staff In 2017, in the final Iraqi lunge to drive Daesh fighters from their strongholds in Mosul, troops received a…

Improving Military Intelligence

Security Requires Anticipating the Actions of Terrorist and Nonstate Actors ISSAM ABBAS AMIN, SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORATE, IRAQI MINISTRY OF DEFENSE How sound is our intelligence in predicting events in our sometimes…