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The Tribal Contribution

Heroic tribal fighters played a large role in helping liberate towns and cities in northern Iraq UNIPATH STAFF When Daesh swept into Mosul in 2014, it targeted the city’s leaders who had rejected extremist ideology since the emergence…

Cyber Defenders

Qatar’s Computer Emergency Response Team builds resilience against online threats KHALID AL-HASHMI, ASSISTANT UNDERSECRETARY FOR CYBER SECURITY, QATAR As Qatar’s dependence on cyberspace and information technology grows, the resilience…

Shaping Social Media

Defeating terrorist messaging requires deleting offensive content and devising counternarratives UNIPATH STAFF Daesh suffered crushing defeats on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria in 2017, but there’s one battlefield on which the…


A focus on civil rights and economic development will create a sense of community in cities liberated from Daesh DR. SAAD AL-HADITHI, professor of political science, University of Baghdad The Iraqi government, previously headed by Prime…

Psychological Warfare

An interview with Maj. Gen. Saad Al-Alaq, head of the Iraqi Directorate of Military Intelligence UNIPATH STAFF Unipath: What was the role of the Directorate of Military Intelligence in the defeat of Daesh? Maj. Gen. Saad Al-Alaq:…

Afghans Assail Daesh

Special Operations Forces Expel Terrorists From Strongholds in Eastern Afghanistan  LT. AMY FORSYTHE, U.S. NAVY In one of the largest joint operations ever conducted between U.S. and Afghan special operations forces, Afghan commandos…

Weakening the Enemy With Words

Iraq’s Directorate of Media and Moral Guidance gained skills in countering terrorist propaganda Unipath Staff Daesh adopted misinformation campaigns through its electronic army, which broadcast rumors and twisted facts to sow horror and…

A Courageous Stand

How an Iraqi Grandmother Saved Soldiers’ Lives and Inspired a Nation Unipath Staff It is a tradition among Arab tribes to have a nakhua, or title, for those who make the tribe proud. The nakhua of the al-Jabour tribe is “Akhu Hadla.”…

Securing Baghdad

Eliminating Terrorist Cells in the Iraqi Capital is a Priority After the Defeat of Daesh UNIPATH STAFF Terrorist gangs have focused on targeting the civilian population in the capital, Baghdad, with the aim of destabilizing the city and…

The Heroic Defense of Baiji

Iraqi defenders withstood nearly a year of Daesh attacks on a strategic oil refinery STAFF COL. ALI SAHAM ALKENANI, IRAQI COUNTER-TERRORISM SERVICE  |  Photos by Getty Images The Battle for Baiji Refinery cannot be summed up in a single…