Exposing Daesh’s crimes

A letter captured from a Daesh insider proves how it veered from the path of the Prophet

Two things cannot be doubted. The first is that the “caliphate,” with all its structures and agencies, has been wiped from the face of the Earth. The second is that the “state” had men who believed in it to the death. However, we did not know that among the believers in the “state” were outraged men who hated not only Daesh but also its “caliph,” its Delegated Committee, its Islamic jurists, and its religious police “hisbah.”

In a message written by Abu Mohamed Alhusseini Alhashimi on May 7, 2017, under the title of “The Hashemite Advice,” to Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the author harshly objected to the methods used by the “state” to manage its affairs and those of the people. These objections uncovered another fact that cannot be questioned: People who have extreme understanding of Sharia and its applications cannot build a “caliphate” following the path of the Prophet.

The opinions of Daesh’s Delegated Committee could be objected to by other scholars. Every scholar claimed to be eligible to interpret and understand Sharia. Disputes increased, and the scholars and governors of Daesh found themselves in a real crisis. Said the Hashemite Advice: After we were “hunted by the whole world with all its intelligence agencies, spies, and armies, we, the students of knowledge, were hunted by the realm of Islam.”

It is very clear that the problem did not lie in the disputes that arose from various matters. Instead, the problem lay in how to manage these disputes within a philosophical system that depends on takfir (accusing other Muslims of disbelief) and sees any dispute as a deviation from Sharia.

The end of the “caliphate” left the Islamic jurists, scholars and thinkers of Daesh, as well as its simple fighters, confronting the question: “Why did the victory of God not arrive?” This is a big question, and it is no accident that an answer appears within the Hashemite Advice.

“God, who is strict in His prohibitions and boundaries, would not allow us to claim that we are the heirs of the prophets and then lose it. God would teach us a lesson so that at least we may return to the right path.”

Another part complains: “An entity where rights are lost, where oppression prevails, where spoils are taken, where sons of the Prophet are hungry and where security soldiers on borders deserve zakat and sadakat due to their poverty. You see sons of immigrants begging on the streets and sons of Al-Ansar without the benefits of rights or generosity. The widows of martyrs bargain for their honor because of poverty and need. Where in this is the path of the Prophet?”

The criticism of this discredited “Islamic state” continues: “An entity that twists the meaning of religion and spreads extremism. An entity in which founding father and scholars are cursed, where good people are insulted and where believers are disbelieved. An entity in which dangerous religious innovations prevail. Where is the path of the Prophet in all of this? An entity in which traitors are believed and the trustworthy doubted. An entity where the innocent are jailed and denounced and liars are declared innocent. An entity where the oppressor is judge and the innocent are whipped. An entity where the accused are jailed for months without proof and the oppressed are killed without evidence. An entity where knowledge and scholarship are fought and students are hounded by Arab Spring Muslims without ethics or dignity who possess not a shred of knowledge or understanding. None of them had an inkling of monotheism until Bouazizi set himself on fire! When they describe a scholar, they say ‘He is a danger to the state!’ Where is the path of the Prophet in all of this?”

These sections do not reflect anger but rather the despair of members of that hypocritical so-called “state” in which the “caliph” and his media liked to claim that “the caliphate follows the path of the Prophet.” I cannot imagine how the fugitive caliph could accept the Hashemite Advice while being hounded by curses and accusations for all that happened:

“What a pity that hundreds of thousands of martyrs lost their lives for this state. Thousands of families immigrated, hoping to fulfill what they described as their dream. Then you took the lead and led them astray. Tell me, for the sake of God, what happened to you?”

The “caliph” surely must need a large dose of morphine to shoulder all this blame. Thousands of complaints questioned the “caliphate,” accusing it of failing to follow the path of the Prophet. They even said it followed the path of the Kharijites. As Daesh’s official spokesman, Abu Mohamed Aladnani, implored:

“O, God, if this state is a Kharijite state, I ask that you destroy it, kill its leaders and set its soldiers on the right path. I see that this prayer has been answered as this heresy deepens in us. Why not, since millions of Muslims repeated ‘amen’ after his prayer?” 

We found a quick answer from the Lord of the Heavens and the Heavenly Throne to this noble Prayer. 

The first assumption was that jurists and scholars were the main beneficiaries of the “caliphate.” Some immigrated and professed allegiance. However, this points to another important fact — the jails of the “caliphate” were filled with religious jurists and Sharia students. 

The Hashemite Advice explores this topic: “Belittlement was the norm for the leaders and emirs you put above us. They started to make the same old statements that ‘Sharia jurists are dangerous for the state.’ The disgraced old man Abed Al-Nasser said it to the Kuwaiti Sheikh Abu Abed Albar Alsalihi. He spoke to me about it, and Abed Al-Nasser was the head of the Delegated Committee. Students of Sharia are the most dangerous for the state, said Abu Isahaq al-Iraqi, to a group of judges in Alkhier wilayat, and they told me about it. This is the man you appointed from among committee members to manage the judiciary and grievances. As for the judicial system, he spoiled and altered it. This committee that you put us under (the Delegated Committee) with their phrases and words, I pray that God carries them to their graves and sends them to hell.”

And then things progressed to Daesh’s dark jails, with their whippings, beatings, belittling, insults, killing and harassment. As the “advice” document reported: 

“Yes, harassment. The story of the two women, the American Um Yosef and the French Ribita, are familiar to our ears. People speak about what the interrogators of the feared and oppressive diwan did to them. As for killing, it is permissible but not if based on bald-faced lies. Killing was taken from its rightful and deserved place and is justifiably called murder, delusion, arrogance, terrorism, terror and injustice.”

What makes us believe the testimony of Abu Mohamed Alhusseini Alhashimi is that he wrote it without any external pressure, addressing the “caliph” by name: “O, Ibrahim, you are not far from the arrows of the good.”

He endangered his life by crossing more than one red line and exposing many dangerous topics.

This is just one of many examples, and the days to come will reveal more dangerous things about this “state” that claimed to follow the path of the Prophet.  

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