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Automating Maritime Security

UNIPATH STAFF Navies have grappled with the same problem for thousands of years: They often lack the manpower and materials to patrol the breadth of the seas and protect maritime trade against predation. Multinational naval forces…

Security through Innovation

Gen. Michael E. Kurilla, Commander, U.S. Central Command, discusses innovative efforts to maximize operations across Central Command through the employment of new technology and concepts, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine…

Virtual Violence

ISLAMIC MILITARY COUNTER TERRORISM COALITION The internet is globally decentralized, which allows for anonymity and contributes to its use as a platform for illegal activities, including property crimes and the promotion of violent…

Words Wielded Like Weapons

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Ouda Shudeifat, media and cultural advisor,  General Command, Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army News flows in from far and wide, accompanied by analysis, commentary, communication and dialogue. Based on the convictions,…

A Commitment to Cybersecurity

DR. HUSSEIN Allawi, ADVISOR TO THE IRAQI PRIME MINISTER ON SECURITY SECTOR REFORM Cybersecurity is a strategic priority for the government of Iraq. Iraq has established a cyber incident response team (CERT), activated a cybersecurity…

Kazakhstan Raises Cyber Shield

SALTANAT BERDIKEEVA More than 85% of Kazakhstan’s population uses the internet, the highest rate in Central Asia. Major areas of the country’s economy and the government have become fully digitized. In 2018, the Kazakh government…