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Perfecting a Partnership

Jordanian and U.S. troops complete the 8th annual Eager Lion military exercise UNIPATH STAFF Downpours the night before had left the normally dry desert floor laced with muddy trenches. Asked to repel enemy forces trying to slip across…

Security Through Good Government

The Afghan Government Must Improve Public Services to Gain the Loyalty of Citizens AHMAD FARID FAROZI, FORMER DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS, DEMOCRACY InTERNATIONAL, AFGHANISTAN Empirical evidence has shown positive correlations between the…

Rescued from Death

A courageous Iraqi Army unit saves an orphaned 4-year-old girl when Daesh massacred her family in Mosul  UNIPATH STAFF The battle for Mosul was raging when the leading edge of the 36th Mechanized Brigade, Iraqi 9th Armored Division,…

Exposing Daesh’s crimes

A letter captured from a Daesh insider proves how it veered from the path of the Prophet Two things cannot be doubted. The first is that the “caliphate,” with all its structures and agencies, has been wiped from the face of the Earth. The…

Testing Online Defenses

Global leaders meet to share best practices against cyber attacks UNIPATH STAFF Sometimes the most exhaustive of cyber defenses fail to account for the simplest of cyber attacks. A good example of this lapse in security is spear…

Stabilizing Afghanistan

Central Asian states are building economic, political and security ties with Afghanistan SALTANAT BERDIKEEVA "Central Asian countries clearly feel the influence of Afghanistan. Instability and escalating tensions there affect the…

The Importance of Sea Power

Oman’s security and prosperity depend on the smooth flow of commerce through the Indian Ocean COMMODORE KHAMIS BIN SALIM AL JABRi, ROYAL NAVY OF OMAN Oman has a long historical relationship with the sea. Its 3,165-kilometer coastline,…

Youthful Assets

Population growth in the Middle East and Central and South Asia can be a source of prosperity instead of instability UNIPATH STAFF  |  Photos by Reuters It’s no coincidence that the regions suffering the most violence and political…

Feeding Egypt

A military-supported greenhouse project will supply millions of tons of vegetables to ease potential food shortages EGYPTIAN MINISTRY OF DEFENSE/MORALE AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT Egypt has launched a nationwide strategic plan to improve food…

Partners Against Terror

The Jordanian Gendarmerie Forces play a vital role in the kingdom’s counterterrorism operations UNIPATH STAFF  |  Photos by JORDANIAN GENDARMERIE DIRECTORATE There is no doubt that the regional security apparatus is preoccupied by the…