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Energy Security equals Global Security

JASEM MOHAMED AL BUDAIWI, SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE COOPERATION COUNCIL FOR THE ARAB STATES OF THE GULf May I start by expressing my sincere gratitude to the esteemed leadership of the Kingdom of Bahrain for graciously hosting this event…

Acting Together In The Arabian Gulf

DR. NAYEF AL HAJRAF, then-SECRETARY-GENERAL, COOPERATION COUNCIL FOR THE ARAB STATES OF THE GULF Throughout history, the Middle East has been a region with great initiatives, yet with major and ongoing conflicts. I would like to focus on…

Eagle Eyes Scan the Skies

UNIPATH STAFF  The situational map at military headquarters displayed ominously glowing streaks of green arcing from enemy missile bases. They represented missiles on course for military and civilian installations in the Arabian Gulf.…

A Forceful Landing

UNIPATH STAFF In a display of military proficiency designed to deter adversaries and reassure partners, Saudi and U.S. troops offloaded an amphibious expeditionary force in the Red Sea port of Yanbu and moved it hundreds of kilometers…

Averting Destruction

UNIPATH STAFF Among the many cruelties Daesh inflicted on Iraq, terrorists bombarded the town of Taza near Kirkuk in 2016 using crudely constructed artillery shells and rockets laced with mustard and chlorine gas. Of the 45,000…

Sudden Disaster

UNIPATH STAFF At 6:07 p.m. on August 4, 2020, a giant mushroom cloud formed over the Port of Beirut. The shockwave from the blast — caused by an explosion of 2,750 tons of stored ammonium nitrate — obliterated whole neighborhoods of the…

A Flying Fighting Force

BRIG. GEN. AMMAR ALYASIRI, IRAQI AIR FORCE By the second half of 2021, the Iraqi Air Force had largely taken ownership of conducting independent airstrikes on Daesh targets. In fact, we launched more strikes between June and December…

Eager Partners

Eager Lion 2022 featured a blistering conventional attack across a rolling desert landscape typical of the Middle East. Tanks, heavy artillery, attack helicopters and fighter jets swept enemy positions from the desert floor until little was…