Kuwaitis catch currency smugglers


Kuwaiti security forces in October 2014 detained a man attempting to smuggle about $360,000 in his underwear through the Iraqi-Kuwait border crossing. The episode highlights once again the need for vigilance and cooperation to stop smuggling that benefits criminals and terrorists. 

The suspect is a citizen of a neighboring country who had been traveling through Iraq. Because the smuggler was carrying cash far in excess of the $10,000 allowed, he was subjected to intensive interrogation to discover why he didn’t declare the money to Kuwaiti customs officials.

It’s no secret that terrorists sustain operations by smuggling and laundering money beyond the watchful eye of treasury officials. In some cases, this currency comes from bank robberies, extortion, kidnapping and the sale of illegal narcotics and stolen goods. To avoid detection, drug traffickers and terrorists prefer working outside traditional banking networks. Therefore, finding a huge amount of cash in the possession of a non-Kuwaiti raises many questions.

The country is a member of the Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force, established to help combat money laundering that supports violent extremists and other criminals.

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