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A View From The Top

Brig. Gen. Kayed Al-Jaarat, then-director of the Jordan Armed Forces’ training and exercises directorate, played a leading role in the success of the Eager Lion 22 military exercise held in Jordan in September 2022. Unipath interviewed him…

Equipping Evildoers

JORDANIAN MAJ. GEN. (RET.) OUDA SHUDEIFAT Despite all the blessings it bestows on mankind, technology is a double-edged sword, damaging lives if exploited in ways that no longer help people. Evil people can harness technology to serve…

Modern Instruction to Address Modern Threats

UNIPATH STAFF A cademic institutions rely on experience-sharing and inter-institutional cooperation to develop solid programs and professional staff with experience in nation-building. Military academies are perhaps in even greater need…

Developing New Forms of Security Cooperation

DR. KHALID BIN MOHAMMED AL ATTIYAH, QATARI DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTER OF STATE FOR DEFENSE AFFAIRS The year 2022 was a particularly special one for the State of Qatar, as we geared up to host World Cup 2022. I echo His Highness…

Fending off Transborder Threats

When a state stoked ethnic tensions to instigate a civil war in a bordering country, an international military coalition formed to prevent the conflict from engulfing the entire region.  Coalition forces consisting of a Tajik infantry…

Serving Yemen

Brig. Gen. Faisal Al-Jumai, Yemen National Representative to USCENTCOM Photos by AFP/GETTY IMAGES Lt. Gen. Sagheer Hammoud bin Aziz stands at the top of the Yemeni Army as chief of the General Staff and commander-in-chief of the Armed…

Improving Intelligence Analysis

LT. COL. Dr. Khalid Mohamed Alqahtani, BAHRAIN Defence FORCE When considering the intelligence field, psychological studies show that the human mind struggles to provide useful and unbiased analysis unless rigorously shaped using…

A Decade of Military Partnership

The State Partnership Program between the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan and the Mississippi National Guard has yielded spectacular results for more than 10 years. The program matches National Guard units from particular U.S. states…