کرغیزستان د ګاونډیانو سره د هایدروالیکتریک کارځای تړون ته ورسید

Securing energy supplies for its population, Kyrgyzstan plans to build its Kambar-Ata 1 hydropower plant along the Naryn River with the help of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In January 2023, the energy ministers of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan signed a deal forming a joint venture to build and manage the Kambar-Ata-1 hydroelectric plant in Kyrgyzstan. The project has been stalled for decades due to lack of investment. It would be the largest power plant on the Naryn River, with a capacity of 2,000 megawatts. It may take 10 years to build. The Kyrgyz government insists the plant will boost energy security for its country, but also benefit Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, which can import electricity from the plant. Furthermore, the plant could improve water management in the region. Because the plant will be built upstream in Kyrgyzstan, downstream countries, such as Uzbekistan, could benefit from the coordinated release of water from the Kambar-Ata Dam for irrigation. According to Kyrgyzstan, building the hydroelectric complex will cost near $2 billion, requiring construction to occur in six stages. “The road map spells out how we will work … If the feasibility study is completed in 2024, we will start the plant’s construction … A joint venture owned by Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will be registered in Kyrgyzstan; everything will be under our control,” Kyrgyzstan’s Deputy Minister of Energy Mirlan Zhakypov said. Kambar-Ata-1 is just one of several Kyrgyzstan hydroelectric plant initiatives projected for the Naryn River. Sources: Azattyk, KTRK

د‭ ‬خپل‭ ‬نفوس‭ ‬لپاره‭ ‬د‭ ‬انرژۍ‭ ‬اکمال‭ ‬تضمین‭ ‬کولو‭ ‬لپاره،‭ ‬کرغیزستان‭ ‬پلان‭ ‬لري‭ ‬چې‭ ‬د‭ ‬قزاقستان‭ ‬او‭ ‬ازبکستان‭ ‬په‭ ‬مرسته‭ ‬د‭ ‬نارین‭ ‬سیند‭ ‬ترڅنګ‭ ‬خپل‭ ‬د‭ ‬کامبر‭ ‬–‭ ‬اتا‭ ‬1‭ ‬هایدرو‭ ‬پاور‭ ‬کارځای‭ ‬جوړ‭ ‬کړي‭.‬

په‭ ‬2023‭ ‬جنوري‭ ‬کې،‭ ‬په‭ ‬کرغیزستان‭ ‬کې‭ ‬د‭ ‬کامبر‭-‬اتا‭-‬1‭ ‬هایدرو‭ ‬الیکټریک‭ ‬کارځای‭ ‬جوړولو‭ ‬او‭ ‬مدیریت‭ ‬کولو‭ ‬لپاره‭ ‬د‭ ‬کرغیزستان،‭ ‬قزاقستان‭ ‬او‭ ‬ازبکستان‭ ‬د‭ ‬انرژۍ‭ ‬وزیرانو‭ ‬یو‭ ‬ګډ‭ ‬تړون‭ ‬لاسلیک‭ ‬کړ‭. ‬

نوموړې‭ ‬پروژه‭ ‬د‭ ‬لسیزو‭ ‬راهیسې‭ ‬د‭ ‬پانګوونې‭ ‬نه‭ ‬شتون‭ ‬له‭ ‬امله‭ ‬په‭ ‬ټپه‭ ‬ولاړه‭ ‬وه‭. ‬دا‭ ‬به‭ ‬د‭ ‬2‭,‬000‭ ‬میګاواټه‭ ‬ظرفیت‭ ‬درلودو‭ ‬سره‭ ‬په‭ ‬نارین‭ ‬سیند‭ ‬ترټولو‭ ‬لوی‭ ‬بریښنا‭ ‬کوټ‭ ‬یې‭. ‬د‭ ‬دې‭ ‬جوړیدل‭ ‬به‭ ‬10‭ ‬کلونه‭ ‬وخت‭ ‬ونیسي‭. ‬

کرغیز‭ ‬حکومت‭ ‬تاکید‭ ‬کوي‭ ‬چې‭ ‬دا‭ ‬بریښناکوټ‭ ‬به‭ ‬د‭ ‬نوموړي‭ ‬هیواد‭ ‬لپاره‭ ‬د‭ ‬انرژۍ‭ ‬امنیت‭ ‬تقویت‭ ‬کړي،‭ ‬مګر‭ ‬قزاقستان‭ ‬او‭ ‬ازبکستان‭ ‬ته‭ ‬به‭ ‬هم‭ ‬ګټه‭ ‬ورسوي،‭ ‬چې‭ ‬کولی‭ ‬شي‭ ‬د‭ ‬دې‭ ‬بریښناکوټ‭ ‬څخه‭ ‬بریښنا‭ ‬وارد‭ ‬کړي‭. ‬علاوه‭ ‬لدې،‭ ‬دا‭ ‬کارځای‭ ‬به‭ ‬په‭ ‬سیمه‭ ‬کې‭ ‬د‭ ‬اوبو‭ ‬مدیریت‭ ‬ښه‭ ‬کړي‭. ‬دا‭ ‬چې‭ ‬کارځای‭ ‬به‭ ‬د‭ ‬اوبو‭ ‬پورتني‭ ‬جریان‭ ‬باندې‭ ‬په‭ ‬کرغیزستان‭ ‬کې‭ ‬جوړ‭ ‬شي،‭ ‬نو‭ ‬د‭ ‬اوبو‭ ‬لاندې‭ ‬هیوادونه،‭ ‬لکه‭ ‬ازبکستان‭ ‬کولی‭ ‬شي‭ ‬د‭ ‬کرهنې‭ ‬لپاره‭ ‬د‭ ‬کامبر‭ ‬اتا‭ ‬ډیم‭ ‬څخه‭ ‬د‭ ‬اوبو‭ ‬همغږي‭ ‬شوي‭ ‬ورپریښدلو‭ ‬څخه‭ ‬ګټه‭ ‬پورته‭ ‬کړي‭. ‬

د‭ ‬کرغیزستان‭ ‬په‭ ‬وینا،‭ ‬د‭ ‬هایدروالیکتریک‭ ‬کمپلیکس‭ ‬جوړول‭ ‬به‭ ‬نږدې‭ ‬2$‭ ‬میلیارد‭ ‬ډالر‭ ‬لګښت‭ ‬ولري،‭ ‬چې‭ ‬تعمیراتي‭ ‬برخه‭ ‬به‭ ‬یې‭ ‬په‭ ‬شپږو‭ ‬پړاونو‭ ‬کې‭ ‬ترسره‭ ‬شي‭.‬

د‭ ‬کرغیزستان‭ ‬د‭ ‬انرژۍ‭ ‬وزیر‭ ‬میرلان‭ ‬ژاکیپوف‭ ‬وویل،‭ “‬تګلاره‭ ‬ښئ‭ ‬چې‭ ‬موږ‭ ‬به‭ ‬څنګه‭ ‬کار‭ ‬کوو‭… ‬که‭ ‬چیرې‭ ‬د‭ ‬شونتیا‭ ‬مطالعه‭ ‬په‭ ‬2024‭ ‬کې‭ ‬بشپړه‭ ‬شوه،‭ ‬موږ‭ ‬به‭ ‬د‭ ‬کارځای‭ ‬جوړول‭ ‬پیل‭ ‬کړو‭…‬د‭ ‬کرغیزستان،‭ ‬قزاقستان‭ ‬او‭ ‬ازبکستان‭ ‬په‭ ‬ملکیت‭ ‬یو‭ ‬ګډ‭ ‬نهاد‭ ‬به‭ ‬په‭ ‬کرغیزستان‭ ‬کې‭ ‬راجستر‭ ‬شي؛‭ ‬هرڅه‭ ‬به‭ ‬زموږ‭ ‬د‭ ‬کنټرول‭ ‬لاندې‭ ‬وي‭”.‬

کامبر‭-‬تا‭-‬1‭ ‬د‭ ‬کرغیزستان‭ ‬هایدروالیکتریک‭ ‬د‭ ‬څو‭ ‬کارځایونو‭ ‬نوښتونو‭ ‬څخه‭ ‬یو‭ ‬دی‭ ‬چې‭ ‬د‭ ‬نارین‭ ‬سیند‭ ‬لپاره‭ ‬یې‭ ‬اټکل‭ ‬کړي‭ ‬دي‭.  ‬سرچینې‭: ‬ازیتیک،‭ ‬KTRK

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