نحو أوزبكستان آمنة

سفير أوزبكي يسلِّط الضوء على إنجازات بلاده في الذكرى الثلاثين لاستقلالها

Thirty years may seem like a brief moment in time, but as Uzbekistan commemorated the 30th anniversary of our independence, I am reminded of the many successes, accomplishments, victories, and even tragedies that our nation has experienced in these years and how far we have come as a young nation with centuries-old historical roots. In three decades, Uzbekistan has gone from being a Soviet monocrop agricultural state to a self-sufficient sovereign country. In these 30 years we significantly liberalized our economy, and Uzbekistan recently joined the list of the top five fastest growing economies in the world. Foreign investors look toward Uzbekistan because of its booming industrial sector and its numerous information technology parks and free economic zones across its territory. Ensuring good governance has become a priority. The entire state apparatus was revamped, including measures to improve human capacity building and significantly simplify bureaucratic procedures. Uzbek society now plays a crucial role in determining policies in every aspect. We’ve made meaningful steps to ensure the rule of law and human rights, removing Uzbekistan from a variety of reports that labeled it a country of concern. Its recognition as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council and other international bodies is testament to the real progress. With our good neighborliness and well-balanced, open and constructive foreign policy, we’ve resolved all our disagreements, even on very sensitive matters, and reached levels of friendship and trust in the region as never before and strengthened ties with partners across the world. Uzbekistan continues to extend its far-reaching reforms to realize the dreams and aspirations of what has become a nation of 35 million. On this 30th anniversary, our people can take pride in building a “New Uzbekistan” described by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev as a “state that is developing and building upon universally recognized principles of democracy, human rights and freedoms, strengthening friendship and cooperation with the international community — all with the ultimate goal of creating a free, decent and prosperous life for our people.” As we celebrate our independence, we give thanks to the American people, to their representatives in Congress and to presidents from George H.W. Bush to Joe Biden for all the support they have given us along the way. We thank the United States for all it has done to make Uzbekistan stronger, safer and more resilient. For over 30 years, the United States has stood by Uzbekistan’s side in countless ways, supporting its sovereignty and independence, encouraging the young nation and contributing to its success. Since 2016, this cooperation has grown substantially across all areas of our bilateral and regional cooperation. Our relationship has entered “a New Era of Strategic Partnership” reinvigorated by the state visit of President Mirziyoyev to the U.S. in May 2018. Our strategic partnership continues to gather momentum. I would argue that never before have our relations enjoyed such depth and breadth. President Biden summed it up best when he said in his congratulatory message to the leadership of Uzbekistan: “Our relationship has grown significantly in recent years, and we look forward to deepening our strategic partnership, as well as our cooperation to ensure a peaceful, connected and stable region.” Indeed, our political engagement has significantly intensified and reached new heights. Elevation of annual political consultations, first launched in 2009 to the level of a Strategic Partnership Dialogue, with its inaugural session scheduled to take place in Tashkent in December 2021, creates new opportunities to advance even closer and stronger cooperation across all priority areas. We are strategic partners in security, sharing common goals for a peaceful and stable Central Asia, committing resources and training expertise to support the fight against terrorism. We are growing partners in business. Day by day, Uzbekistan is becoming a favorable investment target for U.S. companies willing to increase their presence in the region by exploring untapped opportunities. And we are steadfast partners in development and education reinforced by the establishment of the full-fledged U.S. Agency for International Development mission in Uzbekistan, launching operations such as the International Research and Exchanges Board, Mercy Corps, Winrock and RTI International along with American Councils to support reforms and development in Uzbekistan. On this special occasion, I would like to express my profound gratitude to the United States government for its tremendous help and contribution in this critical time of countering the COVID-19 pandemic. The 3 million units of Moderna vaccine recently donated by the United States strengthened the trust among the people and gave impetus to the overall process of vaccination across Uzbekistan. And we are particularly grateful to the U.S. for the additional 1.2 million dozes of Pfizer vaccine it provided.

السيد‭ ‬جاڤلون‭ ‬ڤاخابوڤ،‭ ‬سفير‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬لدى‭ ‬الولايات‭ ‬المتحدة

ربما تبدو‭ ‬30‭ ‬عاماً‭ ‬بمثابة‭ ‬هُنَيْهة‭ ‬من‭ ‬الزمن،‭ ‬ولكن‭ ‬فيما‭ ‬تحتفل‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬بالذكرى‭ ‬الثلاثين‭ ‬لاستقلالنا،‭ ‬يتبادر‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬ذهني‭ ‬الكثير‭ ‬من‭ ‬النجاحات‭ ‬والإنجازات‭ ‬والانتصارات‭ ‬وحتى‭ ‬المآسي‭ ‬التي‭ ‬عاشتها‭ ‬دولتنا‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬السنوات،‭ ‬وأتذكر‭ ‬المرحلة‭ ‬التي‭ ‬وصلنا‭ ‬إليها‭ ‬كأمة‭ ‬فتية‭ ‬تضرب‭ ‬بجذورها‭ ‬في‭ ‬أعماق‭ ‬التاريخ‭ ‬منذ‭ ‬قرون‭ ‬من‭ ‬الزمن‭.‬

في‭ ‬غضون‭ ‬ثلاثة‭ ‬عقود،‭ ‬انتقلت‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬من‭ ‬دولة‭ ‬سوفيتية‭ ‬زراعية‭ ‬لا‭ ‬تزرع‭ ‬إلَّا‭ ‬محصولاً‭ ‬واحداً‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬دولة‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬سيادة‭ ‬تتمتع‭ ‬بالاكتفاء‭ ‬الذاتي؛‭ ‬ونجحنا‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الـ‭ ‬30‭ ‬عاماً‭ ‬في‭ ‬تحرير‭ ‬اقتصادنا‭ ‬بدرجة‭ ‬كبيرة،‭ ‬وانضمت‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬مؤخراً‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬قائمة‭ ‬الاقتصادات‭ ‬الخمسة‭ ‬الأسرع‭ ‬نمواً‭ ‬في‭ ‬العالم،‭ ‬ويتطلع‭ ‬المستثمرون‭ ‬الأجانب‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬الاستثمار‭ ‬في‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬بفضل‭ ‬ازدهار‭ ‬قطاعها‭ ‬الصناعي‭ ‬وكثرة‭ ‬مجمعات‭ ‬تكنولوجيا‭ ‬المعلومات‭ ‬والمناطق‭ ‬الاقتصادية‭ ‬الحرة‭ ‬في‭ ‬ربوعها‭.‬

وبات‭ ‬الحرص‭ ‬على‭ ‬إقامة‭ ‬الحكم‭ ‬الرشيد‭ ‬أولوية‭ ‬من‭ ‬أولياتها،‭ ‬وتجدَّد‭ ‬جهاز‭ ‬الدولة‭ ‬برمته،‭ ‬كإجراءات‭ ‬تحسين‭ ‬بناء‭ ‬القدرات‭ ‬البشرية‭ ‬وتبسيط‭ ‬الإجراءات‭ ‬البيروقراطية‭ ‬بشدة،‭ ‬ويلعب‭ ‬المجتمع‭ ‬الأوزبكي‭ ‬الآن‭ ‬دوراً‭ ‬حاسماً‭ ‬في‭ ‬رسم‭ ‬معالم‭ ‬سياسات‭ ‬الدولة‭ ‬في‭ ‬جميع‭ ‬المجالات‭.‬

وخطونا‭ ‬خطوات‭ ‬هادفة‭ ‬لضمان‭ ‬سيادة‭ ‬القانون‭ ‬وحقوق‭ ‬الإنسان،‭ ‬وشطب‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬من‭ ‬مختلف‭ ‬التقارير‭ ‬التي‭ ‬دمغتها‭ ‬بدمغة‭ ‬الدولة‭ ‬المثيرة‭ ‬للقلق،‭ ‬ويعتبر‭ ‬الاعتراف‭ ‬بعضويتها‭ ‬في‭ ‬مجلس‭ ‬حقوق‭ ‬الإنسان‭ ‬التابع‭ ‬للأمم‭ ‬المتحدة‭ ‬والهيئات‭ ‬الدولية‭ ‬الأخرى‭ ‬خير‭ ‬دليل‭ ‬على‭ ‬التقدم‭ ‬الحقيقي‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬أحرزناه‭.‬

وبفضل‭ ‬حرصنا‭ ‬على‭ ‬حسن‭ ‬الجوار‭ ‬والالتزام‭ ‬بسياسة‭ ‬خارجية‭ ‬متوازنة‭ ‬ومنفتحة‭ ‬وبناءة،‭ ‬نجحنا‭ ‬في‭ ‬حل‭ ‬جميع‭ ‬خلافاتنا،‭ ‬حتى‭ ‬في‭ ‬الأمور‭ ‬شديدة‭ ‬الحساسية،‭ ‬ووصلنا‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬مستويات‭ ‬من‭ ‬الصداقة‭ ‬والثقة‭ ‬في‭ ‬المنطقة‭ ‬لم‭ ‬نصل‭ ‬إليها‭ ‬فيما‭ ‬مضى،‭ ‬وعززنا‭ ‬علاقاتنا‭ ‬مع‭ ‬شركائنا‭ ‬في‭ ‬كل‭ ‬أصقاع‭ ‬العالم‭.‬

تواصل‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬توسيع‭ ‬نطاق‭ ‬إصلاحاتها‭ ‬الطموحة‭ ‬لتحقيق‭ ‬أحلام‭ ‬وتطلعات‭ ‬شعبها‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬يبلغ‭ ‬تعداده‭ ‬35‭ ‬مليون‭ ‬نسمة‭. ‬

وفي‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الذكرى‭ ‬الثلاثين،‭ ‬يمكن‭ ‬لشعبنا‭ ‬أن‭ ‬يفخر‭ ‬ببناء‭ ‬‮«‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬الجديدة‮»‬‭ ‬التي‭ ‬وصفها‭ ‬الرئيس‭ ‬شوكت‭ ‬ميرزاييف‭ ‬بأنها‭ ‬“دولة‭ ‬سائرة‭ ‬في‭ ‬طريق‭ ‬التنمية‭ ‬والبناء‭ ‬وفق‭ ‬مبادئ‭ ‬الديمقراطية‭ ‬وحقوق‭ ‬الإنسان‭ ‬والحريات‭ ‬المعترف‭ ‬بها‭ ‬عالمياً،‭ ‬وحريصة‭ ‬على‭ ‬تعزيز‭ ‬أواصر‭ ‬الصداقة‭ ‬والتعاون‭ ‬مع‭ ‬المجتمع‭ ‬الدولي؛‭ ‬وذلك‭ ‬لتوفير‭ ‬حياة‭ ‬حرة‭ ‬وكريمة‭ ‬ومزدهرة‭ ‬لشعبنا‭.‬”

وفيما‭ ‬نحتفل‭ ‬باستقلالنا،‭ ‬نتقدم‭ ‬بخالص‭ ‬الشكر‭ ‬للشعب‭ ‬الأمريكي،‭ ‬ولنوابه‭ ‬في‭ ‬الكونغرس،‭ ‬ولرؤسائه‭ ‬بداية‭ ‬من‭ ‬جورج‭ ‬بوش‭ ‬وحتى‭ ‬جو‭ ‬بايدن‭ ‬على‭ ‬كل‭ ‬ما‭ ‬قدموه‭ ‬لنا‭ ‬من‭ ‬دعم‭ ‬ومؤازرة‭ ‬على‭ ‬طول‭ ‬الطريق؛‭ ‬ونشكر‭ ‬الولايات‭ ‬المتحدة‭ ‬على‭ ‬كل‭ ‬ما‭ ‬فعلته‭ ‬من‭ ‬أجل‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬أقوى‭ ‬وأأمن‭ ‬وأسرع‭ ‬تعافياً‭.‬

فقد‭ ‬وقفت‭ ‬الولايات‭ ‬المتحدة‭ ‬بجانب‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬بشتَّى‭ ‬السبل‭ ‬لأكثر‭ ‬من‭ ‬30‭ ‬عاماً،‭ ‬فساندت‭ ‬سيادتها‭ ‬واستقلالها،‭ ‬ولم‭ ‬تنفك‭ ‬عن‭ ‬تشجيع‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الأمة‭ ‬الفتية‭ ‬والإسهام‭ ‬في‭ ‬نجاحها‭. ‬وقد‭ ‬نما‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬التعاون‭ ‬منذ‭ ‬عام‭ ‬2016‭ ‬نمواً‭ ‬كبيراً‭ ‬في‭ ‬جميع‭ ‬مجالات‭ ‬تعاوننا‭ ‬الثنائي‭ ‬والإقليمي،‭ ‬ودخلت‭ ‬علاقتنا‭ ‬“حقبة‭ ‬جديدة‭ ‬من‭ ‬الشراكة‭ ‬الاستراتيجية”‭ ‬تجدَّدت‭ ‬من‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬الزيارة‭ ‬الرسمية‭ ‬التي‭ ‬قام‭ ‬بها‭ ‬الرئيس‭ ‬ميرزاييف‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬الولايات‭ ‬المتحدة‭ ‬في‭ ‬أيَّار‭/‬مايو‭ ‬2018‭.‬

وتستمر‭ ‬شراكتنا‭ ‬الاستراتيجية‭ ‬في‭ ‬اكتساب‭ ‬الزخم،‭ ‬وبوسعي‭ ‬القول‭ ‬إنَّ‭ ‬علاقاتنا‭ ‬لم‭ ‬تتمتع‭ ‬من‭ ‬قبل‭ ‬بمثل‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬العمق‭ ‬والاتساع‭.‬

ولخص‭ ‬الرئيس‭ ‬بايدن‭ ‬ذلك‭ ‬خير‭ ‬تلخيص‭ ‬حين‭ ‬قال‭ ‬في‭ ‬برقية‭ ‬التهنئة‭ ‬التي‭ ‬بعث‭ ‬بها‭ ‬لقيادة‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭: ‬“لقد‭ ‬نَمَت‭ ‬علاقتنا‭ ‬نمواً‭ ‬كبيراً‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬السنوات‭ ‬الأخيرة،‭ ‬ونتطلع‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬تعميق‭ ‬شراكتنا‭ ‬الاستراتيجية،‭ ‬وكذلك‭ ‬تعاوننا‭ ‬لضمان‭ ‬نشر‭ ‬السلام‭ ‬والاستقرار‭ ‬والتواصل‭ ‬في‭ ‬ربوع‭ ‬المنطقة‭.‬”

والحق‭ ‬أنَّ‭ ‬مشاركتنا‭ ‬السياسية‭ ‬شهدت‭ ‬تطوراً‭ ‬كبيراً‭ ‬ووصلت‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬آفاق‭ ‬جديدة؛‭ ‬فالارتقاء‭ ‬بالمشاورات‭ ‬السياسية‭ ‬السنوية،‭ ‬التي‭ ‬انطلقت‭ ‬لأول‭ ‬مرة‭ ‬في‭ ‬عام‭ ‬2009‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬مستوى‭ ‬‮«‬حوار‭ ‬الشراكة‭ ‬الاستراتيجية‮»‬‭ ‬والمقرر‭ ‬عقد‭ ‬جلسته‭ ‬الافتتاحية‭ ‬في‭ ‬طشقند‭ ‬في‭ ‬كانون‭ ‬الأول‭/‬ديسمبر‭ ‬2021،‭ ‬يخلق‭ ‬فرصاً‭ ‬جديدة‭ ‬لتعزيز‭ ‬أواصر‭ ‬التعاون‭ ‬في‭ ‬كافة‭ ‬المجالات‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬الأولوية‭.‬

فنحن‭ ‬شركاء‭ ‬استراتيجيون‭ ‬في‭ ‬مجال‭ ‬الأمن،‭ ‬وتجمعنا‭ ‬أهداف‭ ‬مشتركة‭ ‬في‭ ‬سبيل‭ ‬نشر‭ ‬السلام‭ ‬والاستقرار‭ ‬في‭ ‬ربوع‭ ‬وسط‭ ‬آسيا،‭ ‬ونخصص‭ ‬الموارد‭ ‬والخبرة‭ ‬التدريبية‭ ‬لدعم‭ ‬الحرب‭ ‬على‭ ‬الإرهاب‭.‬

وتستمر‭ ‬شراكتنا‭ ‬التجارية‭ ‬بالنمو،‭ ‬حتى‭ ‬لقد‭ ‬غدت‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭ ‬يوماً‭ ‬بعد‭ ‬يوم‭ ‬هدفاً‭ ‬استثمارياً‭ ‬جذاباً‭ ‬للشركات‭ ‬الأمريكية‭ ‬الراغبة‭ ‬في‭ ‬تكثيف‭ ‬وجودها‭ ‬في‭ ‬المنطقة‭ ‬من‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬استكشاف‭ ‬الفرص‭ ‬غير‭ ‬المستغلة‭.‬

ونحن‭ ‬شركاء‭ ‬راسخون‭ ‬في‭ ‬مجالي‭ ‬التنمية‭ ‬والتعليم،‭ ‬وقد‭ ‬تعزَّزت‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الشراكة‭ ‬بتأسيس‭ ‬بعثة‭ ‬الوكالة‭ ‬الأمريكية‭ ‬للتنمية‭ ‬الدولية‭ ‬المتكاملة‭ ‬في‭ ‬أوزبكستان،‭ ‬إذ‭ ‬عملت‭ ‬الوكالة‭ ‬على‭ ‬تدشين‭ ‬عمليات‭ ‬مثل‭ ‬المجلس‭ ‬الدولي‭ ‬للبحوث‭ ‬والتبادلات،‭ ‬ومؤسسة‭ ‬فيلق‭ ‬الرحمة،‭ ‬ومؤسسة‭ ‬‮«‬وينروك‮»‬،‭ ‬ومعهد‭ ‬المثلث‭ ‬البحثي‭ ‬الدولي،‭ ‬علاوة‭ ‬على‭ ‬مؤسسة‭ ‬المجالس‭ ‬الأمريكية،‭ ‬بهدف‭ ‬دعم‭ ‬الإصلاحات‭ ‬والتنمية‭ ‬في‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭.‬

وفي‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬المناسبة‭ ‬الخاصة،‭ ‬أود‭ ‬أن‭ ‬أعرب‭ ‬عن‭ ‬خالص‭ ‬امتناني‭ ‬للحكومة‭ ‬الأمريكية‭ ‬لمساعدتها‭ ‬ومساهمتها‭ ‬الهائلة‭ ‬في‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الوقت‭ ‬العصيب‭ ‬لمكافحة‭ ‬جائحة‭ ‬فيروس‭ ‬كورونا‭ (‬كوفيد‭-‬‭ ‬19‭)‬؛‭ ‬فقد‭ ‬تبرَّعت‭ ‬الولايات‭ ‬المتحدة‭ ‬مؤخراً‭ ‬بعدد‭ ‬3‭ ‬ملايين‭ ‬جرعة‭ ‬من‭ ‬لقاح‭ ‬‮«‬موديرنا‮»‬،‭ ‬فعزَّزت‭ ‬تلك‭ ‬الجرعات‭ ‬الثقة‭ ‬بين‭ ‬المواطنين،‭ ‬وحفزت‭ ‬عملية‭ ‬التطعيم‭ ‬الشامل‭ ‬في‭ ‬أرجاء‭ ‬أوزبكستان‭. ‬كما‭ ‬نتقدم‭ ‬للولايات‭ ‬المتحدة‭ ‬بخالص‭ ‬الشكر‭ ‬والتقدير‭ ‬على‭ ‬تبرعها‭ ‬بعدد‭ ‬1‭.‬2‭ ‬مليون‭ ‬جرعة‭ ‬إضافية‭ ‬من‭ ‬لقاح‭ ‬‮«‬فايزر‮»‬‭.  

التعليقات مغلقة.