بحرین بشردوستانه کارګران پیاوړي کوي

To enhance professionalism in providing assistance and relief during natural disasters and armed conflicts, the Bahraini Ministry of Interior hosted a two-day Humanitarian Operations Workshop in May 2021. Drawing more than 40 military and civilian leaders from Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and the United States, the workshop was facilitated by U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) and the U.S. Agency for International Development and patronized by Bahraini Maj. Gen. Abdullah Muhammad Al Zayed, deputy chief of public security in the Interior Ministry. The agenda included topics aimed at honing participants’ skills and knowledge for responding to humanitarian disasters: emergency management, disaster response improvement, infectious disease survival strategies, general surgical emergencies and emergency resuscitation. “Humanitarian disasters don’t happen on a schedule. They don’t offer fair warning, and they strike the vulnerable with particular cruelty,” said NAVCENT Commander Vice Adm. Brad Cooper in his opening remarks. “Yet we also know that the response to disasters brings out the best in humanity. It unites an array of people, international organizations, governments and militaries from around the world to support a common goal — to provide aid for those desperately in need.” In responding to humanitarian disasters and armed conflicts, Bahrain plays a key role. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), the kingdom contributes through zakat and sadaqa to humanitarian operations worldwide. These contributions have benefited more than 33 countries affected by armed conflict and natural disasters, among which were Lebanon, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Bahraini relief and assistance to affected countries is mainly delivered through Bahrain’s Red Crescent Society and the Royal Charitable Organization. Sources: Bahrain News Agency, NAVCENT, UNOCHA

د‭ ‬طبیعي‭ ‬پیښو‭ ‬او‭ ‬وسله‭ ‬والو‭ ‬شخړو‭ ‬په‭ ‬جریان‭ ‬کې‭ ‬د‭ ‬مرستې‭ ‬او‭ ‬کمک‭ ‬چمتو‭ ‬کولو‭ ‬کې‭ ‬د‭ ‬مسلکي‭ ‬وړتیا‭ ‬لوړولو‭ ‬لپاره،‭ ‬د‭ ‬بحرین‭ ‬د‭ ‬کورنیو‭ ‬چارو‭ ‬وزارت‭ ‬د‭ ‬2021‭ ‬په‭ ‬می‭ ‬کې‭ ‬د‭ ‬دوه‭ ‬ورځنيو‭ ‬بشري‭ ‬عملیاتو‭ ‬ورکشاپ‭ ‬کوربه‭ ‬و‭.‬

دغه‭ ‬ورکشاپ‭ ‬د‭ ‬بحرین،‭ ‬متحده‭ ‬عربي‭ ‬اماراتو‭ ‬او‭ ‬متحده‭ ‬ایالاتو‭ ‬څخه‭ ‬د‭ ‬40‭ ‬څخه‭ ‬زیاتو‭ ‬نظامي‭ ‬او‭ ‬ملکي‭ ‬مشرانو‭ ‬په‭ ‬ګډون،‭ ‬د‭ ‬متحده‭ ‬ایالاتو‭ ‬د‭ ‬سمندري‭ ‬ځواکونو‭ ‬مرکزي‭ ‬قوماندانۍ‭ (‬NAVCENT‭) ‬او‭ ‬د‭ ‬متحده‭ ‬ایالاتو‭ ‬د‭ ‬نړیوالې‭ ‬پراختیا‭ ‬ادارې‭ ‬لخوا‭ ‬چمتو‭ ‬شوی‭ ‬او‭ ‬د‭ ‬بحرین‭ ‬د‭ ‬کورنیو‭ ‬چارو‭ ‬وزارت‭ ‬د‭ ‬عمومي‭ ‬امنیت‭ ‬مرستیال‭ ‬تورن‭ ‬جنرال‭ ‬عبدالله‭ ‬محمد‭ ‬الزاید‭ ‬یې‭ ‬ملاتړ‭ ‬کړی‭. 

په‭ ‬اجنډا‭ ‬کې‭ ‬هغه‭ ‬موضوعات‭ ‬شامل‭ ‬وو‭ ‬چې‭ ‬هدف‭ ‬یې‭ ‬بشري‭ ‬ناورینونو‭ ‬ته‭ ‬د‭ ‬ځواب‭ ‬ویلو‭ ‬لپاره‭ ‬د‭ ‬ګډونوالو‭ ‬مهارتونو‭ ‬او‭ ‬پوهې‭ ‬لوړول‭ ‬وو‭: ‬بیړني‭ ‬مدیریت،‭ ‬په‭ ‬ناورین‭ ‬کې‭ ‬د‭ ‬غبرګون‭ ‬ښه‭ ‬والی،‭ ‬د‭ ‬ساري‭ ‬ناروغیو‭ ‬د‭ ‬بقا‭ ‬ستراتیژی،‭ ‬بیړنۍ‭ ‬عمومي‭ ‬جراحي‭ ‬او‭ ‬بیړني‭ ‬په‭ ‬هوښ‭ ‬راوستل‭.‬

‭”‬د‭ ‬NAVCENT‭ ‬قومندان،‭ ‬وایس‭ ‬آډم‭ ‬وویل‭: “‬بشري‭ ‬ناورینونه‭ ‬په‭ ‬مهالویش‭ ‬سره‭ ‬نه‭ ‬پیښیږي‭. ‬دوی‭ ‬عادلانه‭ ‬خبرداری‭ ‬نه‭ ‬وړاندې‭ ‬کوي،‭ ‬او‭ ‬دوی‭ ‬په‭ ‬ځانګړي‭ ‬ظلم‭ ‬سره‭ ‬پر‭ ‬زیانمنونکو‭ ‬کسانو‭ ‬برید‭ ‬کوي‭. ‬براډ‭ ‬کوپر‭ ‬Brad Cooper‭ ‬په‭ ‬خپلو‭ ‬پرانیستونکو‭ ‬څرګندونو‭ ‬کې‭. ‬

‭”‬خو‭ ‬بیا‭ ‬هم‭ ‬موږ‭ ‬پوهیږو‭ ‬چې‭ ‬ناورینونو‭ ‬ته‭ ‬ځواب‭ ‬په‭ ‬بشریت‭ ‬کې‭ ‬خورا‭ ‬ښه‭ ‬کسان‭ ‬راوړي‭. ‬د‭ ‬نړۍ‭ ‬له‭ ‬ګوټ‭ ‬ګوټ‭ ‬څخه‭ ‬د‭ ‬خلکو،‭ ‬نړیوالو‭ ‬سازمانونو،‭ ‬حکومتونه‭ ‬او‭ ‬پوځونه‭ ‬سره‭ ‬متحد‭ ‬کوي،‭ ‬ترڅو‭ ‬د‭ ‬یوې‭ ‬ګډې‭ ‬موخې‭ ‬ملاتړ‭ ‬وکړي‭ – ‬هغو‭ ‬کسانو‭ ‬ته‭ ‬مرستې‭ ‬چمتو‭ ‬کړي،‭ ‬چې‭ ‬سخت‭ ‬اړمن‭ ‬دي‭. ‬

بحرین‭ ‬د‭ ‬بشري‭ ‬ناورینونو‭ ‬او‭ ‬وسله‭ ‬والو‭ ‬شخړو‭ ‬په‭ ‬ځواب‭ ‬کې‭ ‬مهم‭ ‬رول‭ ‬لوبوي‭. ‬د‭ ‬ملګرو‭ ‬ملتونو‭ ‬د‭ ‬بشري‭ ‬چارو‭ ‬د‭ ‬همغږۍ‭ ‬دفتر‭ (‬UNOCHA‭) ‬په‭ ‬وینا،‭ ‬دغه‭ ‬پاچاهي‭ ‬په‭ ‬ټوله‭ ‬نړۍ‭ ‬کې‭ ‬د‭ ‬بشري‭ ‬عملیاتو‭ ‬لپاره‭ ‬د‭ ‬زکات‭ ‬او‭ ‬صدقې‭ ‬له‭ ‬لارې‭ ‬مرسته‭ ‬کوي‭. ‬له‭ ‬دغو‭ ‬مرستو‭ ‬څخه‭ ‬به‭ ‬تر‭ ‬33‭ ‬ډېر‭ ‬هغه‭ ‬هېوادونه‭ ‬چې‭ ‬د‭ ‬وسله‌‭ ‬والو‭ ‬جګړو‭ ‬او‭ ‬طبیعي‭ ‬پېښو‭ ‬له‭ ‬امله‭ ‬اغېزمن‭ ‬شوي‭ ‬ګټه‭ ‬پورته‭ ‬کړي،‭ ‬چې‭ ‬لبنان،‭ ‬سوډان،‭ ‬سوریه‭ ‬او‭ ‬یمن‭ ‬هم‭ ‬پکې‭ ‬شامل‭ ‬دي‭. ‬اغیزمنو‭ ‬هیوادونو‭ ‬ته‭ ‬د‭ ‬بحرین‭ ‬مرستې‭ ‬په‭ ‬عمده‭ ‬توګه‭ ‬د‭ ‬بحرین‭ ‬د‭ ‬سرې‭ ‬میاشتې‭ ‬ټولنې‭ ‬او‭ ‬شاهي‭ ‬خیریه‭ ‬سازمان‭ ‬له‭ ‬لارې‭ ‬ورکول‭ ‬کیږي‭.  

سرچینې‭: ‬د‭ ‬بحرین‭ ‬خبري‭ ‬اژانس،‭ ‬NAVCENT،UNOCHA‭ ‬

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